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Jenny believes no matter what type of food she makes, first and foremost, it has to be delicious. Initially she made a delicious, fully loaded cookie filled with all the non plant-based ingredients that ostensibly make it taste good. Once she perfected the cookie, her next step was to keep the delicious but take out the animal products. Once she baked a delicious plant-based cookie, her goal was to take out any gluten products and still keep it delicious as well as maintain the chewy and smooth texture of her original cookie.

Mission Accomplished. The Mother Chunker’s ™ loyal customer base encouraged Jenny to focus on building the cookie company because so many believe the world deserves to eat this cookie.

It is our belief that cookies should be enjoyed by all and food allergens or life style choices shouldn’t be the reason you can’t eat the best cookie in the world.

Mother Chunker Chocolate Chunk Cookie Package
Mother Chunker eat cookies be happy icon
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